Friday, October 20, 2006

Tits and Ball

We went to the ball the other night and had a great time. It must have been good as Titch and I left our front door open all night.

Sammy Titch and I somehow left Jabba and Anna at Putney station - managed to catch up with them at Waterloo. Todd was loving the decks !

Our Favorite Local

Me and Sam headed to our favorite local in Putney. Cheerful locals and well kept beer. I just love Putney.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

My Morning Coffee Stop

Most mornings on the way to work I will stop in for a coffee and gaze out towards Trafalgar Square while I wake up. Brilliant. Posted by Picasa

Roll on summer

Its not even winter yet but its starting to feel that way already. Touch season is a long long wait .... Posted by Picasa