Thursday, November 23, 2006

Tom's Pub Crawl

Click on the picture to see the full album

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Paris - All Blacks

Click on the picture to see the full album

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Titch tries to get some money from the dwarf bank
Where's Wally

The girls looking lovely on the boat

Hello Sailor !
Waiting for our water taxi. Moments later Rae fell for the tap.
Sam takes a moment to sit and contemplate his serious case of diarrhea.

My Work Place

Friday, October 20, 2006

Tits and Ball

We went to the ball the other night and had a great time. It must have been good as Titch and I left our front door open all night.

Sammy Titch and I somehow left Jabba and Anna at Putney station - managed to catch up with them at Waterloo. Todd was loving the decks !

Our Favorite Local

Me and Sam headed to our favorite local in Putney. Cheerful locals and well kept beer. I just love Putney.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

My Morning Coffee Stop

Most mornings on the way to work I will stop in for a coffee and gaze out towards Trafalgar Square while I wake up. Brilliant. Posted by Picasa

Roll on summer

Its not even winter yet but its starting to feel that way already. Touch season is a long long wait .... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I have decided to come out of hibernation and post some info !

Got back from Croatia the other day so thought I should post some photos - what a fantastic country - had a very relaxing and chilled out week !

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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tu Meke Triumphant !

Once again we managed to win the Touch Rugby League ! Thats two seasons in a row but whos counting ? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Lake District

Titch and I managed to get out of London for the August Bank Holiday weekend - we hired a car and headed north. The weather could have been better but we didn't get rained on which was good.
We hired some bikes and went mountain biking for the day - hard work but worth it for the downhills !
This has to be one of the best presented pub meal ever !

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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Benicassim Music Festival - Spain

Went to the Fibifib music festival in Benicassim, Spain. The best festival that I have ever gone to for the sole reason that we had cabins next door to the bath temperature sea. Swimming at 2:00am should not really be that warm!
We managed to find the "Silent Disco" - there are two DJ's playing on different channels through the headphones. Very funny.
Love that food market in Barcelona !
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Sunday, May 14, 2006


With summer fast approaching we have managed to acquire a BBQ for the deck. We have only had it for a week and we have already had four barbeques. Fantastic.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Marathon Madness

Getting to Stratford upon Avon was drama after drama. The most reliable english transport somehow failed us. We missed connections and the local station guards had to organise a bus for the stranded passengers. How hard could that be ? After about a hour and a half we eventually boarded a bus. Brilliant. We owned the back seat and we made god fun of it by guessing the time of arrival. I missed out by a minute on the correct guess - the winner was Anna - bless her cotton socks.

Titch was cold so being the big man - I lent her my jumper. When I provided everyone with one of my best geezer poses Titch could not contain her delight !

Titch, Sam, Tans, Rae and Frankie all ran the half marathon at Stratford upon Avon - the birth place of Shakespeare no less. A good time was had by all and everyone managed a personal best. Titch made a time of 2:03:01 - Sam managed a personal best of 1:32:56.

Before and after - these guys were impressive. Well done team. One more thing .... it was a toilet.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Poker Night

Managed to catch up with the old work buddies for a poker night. Off course I was the overall winner going home at least £40 better off. Better luck next time boys. Uncle Fester was there as well.

French in Trafalgar Square

Some weird french outfit visited Trafalgar Square today and put on a performing arts show. With some very impressive props they stopped the traffic. It all happened seconds from my work so I thought it would be rude not to.

With the weird crashed spaceship embedded in the road it came as no surprise to round the corner to be confronted with a massive wooden moving elephant.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

New Job !

I accepted a new contract position which starts tomorrow and should roll for at least two months. The company is called Anglo American - basically they are a global leader in minning and natural resources. The office I work in is seconds from Trafalgar Square, has marble floors and a huge waterfall within the building, quite flash but with a yearly turnover of around 3.2 billion pounds I can understand why.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Arsenal through to the Champions League Final !

My beloved team done it again last night ! The performance was below par, but the required result was achieved. Bring on Barcelona in my teams first ever champions league final ! It does help that we have a home final as well - the Stade de France will be hosting the match.

Tom, Todd, Brad and myself all went down to the Fox to watch the match. Quiet game till the end when the cheating diving villarreal player went down in the box. Lehman saved the day and righted the wrong.
Come on you Gunners !!!