Sunday, May 14, 2006


With summer fast approaching we have managed to acquire a BBQ for the deck. We have only had it for a week and we have already had four barbeques. Fantastic.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Marathon Madness

Getting to Stratford upon Avon was drama after drama. The most reliable english transport somehow failed us. We missed connections and the local station guards had to organise a bus for the stranded passengers. How hard could that be ? After about a hour and a half we eventually boarded a bus. Brilliant. We owned the back seat and we made god fun of it by guessing the time of arrival. I missed out by a minute on the correct guess - the winner was Anna - bless her cotton socks.

Titch was cold so being the big man - I lent her my jumper. When I provided everyone with one of my best geezer poses Titch could not contain her delight !

Titch, Sam, Tans, Rae and Frankie all ran the half marathon at Stratford upon Avon - the birth place of Shakespeare no less. A good time was had by all and everyone managed a personal best. Titch made a time of 2:03:01 - Sam managed a personal best of 1:32:56.

Before and after - these guys were impressive. Well done team. One more thing .... it was a toilet.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Poker Night

Managed to catch up with the old work buddies for a poker night. Off course I was the overall winner going home at least £40 better off. Better luck next time boys. Uncle Fester was there as well.

French in Trafalgar Square

Some weird french outfit visited Trafalgar Square today and put on a performing arts show. With some very impressive props they stopped the traffic. It all happened seconds from my work so I thought it would be rude not to.

With the weird crashed spaceship embedded in the road it came as no surprise to round the corner to be confronted with a massive wooden moving elephant.